A Brief History of Goldenrod

Goldenrod grows naturally in the United States, especially in the Plains of the midwest. Native Americans in this area have historically used it to treat a variety of issues. The whole plant was used in different preparations. Goldenrod roots and flowers were mashed into poultices and used to treat skin conditions from bug bites and stings to burns and boils. It was made into infusions and taken to help headaches and lung ailments, like asthma.

When the British came across the properties of Goldenrod it became known as Heathen Wound Herb. It was highly sought after and very expensive. It started being cultivated in the Middle East, however only dried forms of the herb were used in England. It was commonly used to help gums strengthen loose teeth and help individuals with Kidney stones.

Goldenrod has forever been part of a North American herbalists pantry.

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A Brief History of Ginger